The person, the problems, medications & interventions

Footbone connected to the leg bone. A person calls for an appointment with a problem. Who are you treating, the person or the problem? Too often the primary focus is the problem and yet, as the old song goes, "everything is connected". When I agree to see a perspective patient for a problem, I try to evaluate the whole person. In the spirit of that approach, I have a group of people I can consult that include social workers, sports psychologists, academic tutors, dieticians, language pathologists, occupational therapists and other medical specialists. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is an example of a medical condition that requires a multi-disciplinary approach. For example, in my research, eighty percent of all people with the ADD diagnose are organizationally impaired and motor/sensory delayed. Fifty percent are sleep impaired. Forty percent have development language delays. Thirty percent have anxiety and/o...